With a focus on circulation and whole body connectedness, a relaxation massage is a classic Swedish Massage to eliminated everyday stress. If you are used to going to high end Spas around town, this massage will be familiar to you, only better.
This is not your typical deep tissue massage. Using various neuromuscular techniques that wake up your tissues and coax them into relaxing, I use less pressure/pain to reach deeper and achieve longer term relief.
Whether you injured yourself last week or ten years ago, there are ways to help your body repair injuries, increase mobility and decrease everyday pain. We will work together to create a specific recovery plan.
Are you a six day a week gym rat or training for a marathon? This massage will incorporate your training goals and exercise routines into specialized bodywork sessions to keep your body working at peak performance and increase your body's recovery mechanisms to decrease soreness and keep you at the top of your game.
Have you had surgery or liposuction? You need lymphatic massage/drainage to decrease healing time. This is a light touch, medical modality of massage that focuses on supercharging your lymphatic system. This is also good for models, actors and anyone who needs to quickly get rid of superficial bloating and increase muscle definition.
Do you hate oils and deep tissue massages? MFR is for you! This is a specialized form of bodywork that taps into your tissues using slow paced manual manipulation and intrinsic stretches to allow your body's connective tissue to relax at it's own pace. No oils or lotions are used. A series of long holds, stretches and acupressure points are used to release tension.